How To Make The Most of Slow Days

Jul 10, 2023

Are you having slow days in the store or online? Do you (like many business owners) struggle with decision fatigue or executive dysfunction? It can be overwhelming to realize your list of things to do is so long that it's impossible to pick how to spend what little time you do have.

SLOW DAYS HAPPEN. Don’t beat yourself up over them. During your slower periods, here are some things you can do to be productive, check things off your list, and move older inventory.

- Create new content with items that have been sitting for a while. Restyle old pieces, shoot them on a different background, maybe even move them around on your site! Giving your customers a fresh look at an older piece may be the boost they need to finally buy. 
- Try running a flash sale/promo on the items that haven’t moved.
- Do fit videos or hop on your IG stories talking about the items!
- Hype up a live sale with items you need moved. Pro tip: create a FB event to increase visibility and reach on the live sale! 

Trust the process. You are amazing. You will get through this! 😘

Xoxo, Digital Boutique Co.